Can we truly know the world we live in?

The visual language of a brand in today’s day, in its entirety, feels unknowable.

The visual language of a brand in today’s day, in its entirety, feels unknowable. It is an endless entity constantly evolving and growing as more viewports, platforms and touchpoints get added into consideration. Everything that is designed operates within a web of great complexity. Brands live within other platforms with their own rules and regulations. These brands within brands exist in a world in which countries, governments and even people have their own brands. How does one make sense of a world that is constantly evolving?

How we present ourselves and how we relate to each other is constantly changing. This project attempts to reflect that. This website will look different every time you refresh it. The pages progressively move to greater extents of desirable and undesirable complexity. This website asks a designer to ponder upon what a visual identity means in today’s time and whether visual consistency is valuable anymore.


I am particularly interested in movement from one digital space to another, different ways of reading, and user agency. These are themes I explored in the projects Manuscript and Spread and am attempting to address in this one as well.